Monday 29 August 2016

有關葡萄牙旅遊的各項查詢 / About different inquiries on travelling in Portugal

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【About different inquiries on travelling in Portugal】

近來分別收到不同讀者私下電郵查詢, 問在里斯本、波圖、奧比多斯(Óbidos)、埃武拉 (Évora) 等地方 的旅遊、搭車、飲食推薦、購買葡萄牙紅白酒等資料, 由於需要很多時間整理資料再打出來, 所以我盡可能抽時間盡我所知的回答大家。

另外相信這等問題是大多數將會去葡萄牙的朋友們都想知道的, 因此我嘗試集合類似問題, 一拼在此回答, 以方便大家多了解。

I have recently received various inquiries, asking about visiting, travelling, eating and drinking, buying Portuguese wines in Lisbon, Porto, Óbidos and even Évora. As it involves a lot of details, I'll need some time to consolidate what I know in order to write and answer the questions. I'll try to answer as much as I know.

Also, I'll try to group similar questions together and answer them here so as to benefit more people.

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