Friday 26 August 2016

複製世界 @ 里斯本 / Copies of the world @ Lisbon

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【複製世界 @ 里斯本】
【Copies of the world @ Lisbon】

可以穿越時空, 在同一時間裡同時在幾個地方出現嗎? 不是沒可能, 在里斯本啦! 

Can we travel through time and space? Being at several places at the same time? Not impossible - be in Lisbon! 

在里斯本, 除了大家知道自已是真正在里斯本之外, 還會以為自己到了巴西里約熱內盧和美國的三藩市! 在里斯本市中心的 Cais do Sodré 碼頭,坐渡輪只需要15分鐘, 就可到對岸的 Cacilhas/Almada, 一睹大耶穌像 (葡萄牙文: Santuário Nacional do Cristo Rei) 和4月25日橋 (葡萄牙文: Ponte 25 de Abril) 的風采。

While in Lisbon, in addition to being in the city, you would probably doubt that you were in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil and San Francisco of the U.S. too! At Cais do Sodré Ferry Pier in central Lisbon, you can take a ferry (a 15-minute trip), cross the Tejo River to Cacilhas/Almada. Enjoy the beautiful views of Tejo River, April 25 Bridge and Cristo Rei Statue.

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