Friday 19 August 2016

歷史圍城 ~ 奧比多斯 / The historic walled town of Óbidos

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【歷史圍城 ~ 奧比多斯】
【The historic walled town of 

今趟到奧比多斯遊玩, 終於有時間去爬她那非常著名而又歷史悠久的圍牆, 感覺實在很爽。由於天氣太熱 (不過就很乾爽), 陽光又極度猛烈, 之前我已準備充足: 一大瓶的白開水、帶闊邊草帽和太陽鏡、塗防曬油! 雖然我喜歡古銅膚色, 但不想暴曬弄傷皮膚。

I've been to Óbidos twice before, but it's this time that I have got time to climb her famous and historic walls. It feels really cool, although It's very hot (but dry) and the sun above me was blazing! I walked up on the walls, well prepared with: a large bottle of drinking water, sunglasses and a floppy straw hat with a wide brim, and much sunscreen block on my skin. While I like sun tanned skin, prolonged sun exposures can do a lot of harm to my skin.

從城牆上眺望田野景色, 雖然不是怎麼壯觀景色, 但覺得很舒服! 而且雖然來奧比多斯遊玩的遊人眾多, 但會去爬城牆的人卻不是很多 (特別在盛夏日子)。城牆某些位置跟地面距離較高, 而且完全沒有欄杆, 所以走城牆的朋友們要小心。
將整個城牆圍著走一趟, 我用了大概一個小時 (步行 + 欣賞風景 + 拍照)。:-)

Overlooking from the path of the ramparts was broad sweep of green fields. It's pleasant and relaxing. While many people love to visit Obidos, not many
might indeed climb the walls (in particular on scorching summer days). Be cautious that it's pretty high up from the ground at certain points, and there is no railing at all! So, be really careful.
A pleasant walk around the whole walled city of Óbidos on the path of the ramparts takes about an hour, including walking + stopping to enjoy the views + taking pictures. 

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