Friday 5 August 2016

漂亮古城奧比多斯 / The beautiful historic walled town of Óbidos

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【The beautiful historic walled town of Óbidos】

被城牆包圍的古城奧比多斯 (Óbidos), 可以說是葡萄牙其中一個最漂亮的小鎮, 很多來葡萄牙旅遊的旅客, 在停留里斯本期間, 會順道到奧比多斯一天遊。

Óbidos is one of the most picturesque towns of Portugal. Many travellers, while staying in Lisbon during their visits in Portugal, make a day trip to this beautiful historic walled town.

我以前試過兩次從里斯本到奧比多斯一天遊 (其中一次是帶著兩位好友去玩)。 因為實在很想看看晚上的小鎮是怎樣的風景, 所以今次特意住了一晚。

晚上的奧比多斯, 遊客少了一大截, 少了一分喧鬧, 卻添上一分寧靜。 從另一個角度看奧比多斯, 它一樣是迷人旖旎。:-)

I have made two day trips to Óbidos before (once I went there with two friends). I was really tempted to see how it would be like at night, so I stayed in the town for a night this time.
With much fewer tourists at night, Óbidos becomes less bustling and more tranquil. It's still a very charming town, but seen from a different perspective. :-)

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