Saturday, 31 January 2015

西班牙冷湯 @ Tavira 阿爾加維省 / Gazpacho soup @ Tavira, Algarve

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【西班牙冷湯 @ Tavira, 阿爾加維省】
【Gazpacho soup @ Tavira, Algarve】

天時暑熱時, 來一個《西班牙冷湯》, 解渴消暑又透心涼!

During the hot dry summer, have a cold Gazpacho soup to quench the thirst. It's cool and refreshing!

西班牙和葡萄牙南部的夏天, 高溫火熱, 造就這款《西班牙冷湯》大受當地人歡迎。這個我在阿爾加維省 Tavira 旅遊區一間餐廳喝的《西班牙冷湯》, 盛惠2 歐羅。

The high temperature and scotching heat in Spain and southern Portugal make Gazpacho cold soup a local favourite. This Gazpacho that I had at a restaurant in Tavira, the Algarve, cost 2 euro.

《Gazpacho》 起源於西班牙南部安達盧西亞 (Andalusia) 地區, 食材主要包括: 蕃茄, 紅椒, 切粒麵包,大蒜, 小黃瓜, 橄欖油, 鹽, 紅酒醋, 奧勒岡香草和冷水。

期待夏天快來, 可以又吃這款美味濃綢的冷湯。 smile emoticon

Gazpacho originated in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia. The main ingredients of Gazpacho include: tomatoes, red peppers, cubed bread, garlic, cucumber, olive oil, salt, red wine vinegar, some fresh oregano herbs and cold water.

Looking forward to the summer so I can eat this wonderful cold soup again. smile emoticon
 — at Restaurante Bica

Thursday, 29 January 2015

旅遊葡萄牙 ~ 機票特惠資訊分享 / Travelling to Portugal ~ Special flight fares on offer

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旅遊葡萄牙 ~ 機票特惠資訊分享
Travelling to Portugal ~ Special flight fares on offer

最近收到阿聯酋航空 (Emirates Airline) 的新旅遊資訊,在2月10日前預訂機票前往歐洲多地,包括葡萄牙首都里斯本 (Lisbon), 並且在1月27日至6月10日期間出發,飛機票價比平常看來便宜不少! smile emoticon

I recently received new information updates from Emirates Airline. Book flight tickets for many European destinations from Hong Kong by February 10, AND fly between January 27 and June 10, seems that you will be able to save some money! smile emoticon

我於是隨意選兩個非旅遊旺季的時段,試試預訂和查詢價格 (假設一個大約兩星期的葡萄牙行程,來回里斯本,搭乘經濟艙,必須在杜拜轉機),給大家看看我的查詢結果:

In order to check their ticket prices, I randomly picked two non-peak periods and tried to book tickets online on their official website (assuming a 2-week holiday in Portugal, arriving in and departing from Lisbon via Dubai in economy class). Let's have a look at my search results:

1) 27/2 (星期五) 凌晨出發 -- 14/3 (星期六) 下午回程: 來回共HK$7,554/人 (已包所有雜費) (去程轉機等候時間1.5小時,回程轉機等候2小時左右)

2) 10/6 (星期三)凌晨出發 -- 26/6 (星期五)下午回程: 來回共 HK$7,334/人 (已包所有雜費) (去程轉機等候3小時左右,回程轉機等候2小時15分鐘) (選這個時段去葡萄牙,天氣不太熱之餘又可以去觀看著名的《里斯本聖安東尼節》和北上波圖參加《聖約翰節》)

1) Departing HK on 27-February (Friday midnight) -- Departing Lisbon on 14-March (Saturday PM): HK$7,554/person (round trip ticket, including all additional charges) (waiting time in transit is 1.5 hours and around 2 hours respectively in Dubai)

2) Departing HK on 10-June (Wednesday midnight) -- Departing Lisbon on 26-June (Friday PM): HK$7,334/person (round trip ticket, including all additional charges) (waiting time in transit is about 3 hours and 2 hours 15 minutes respectively) (During June, the weather of Portugal is perfect and one can participate in the《Festa de Santo António 》festival in Lisbon and the《Festa de São João do Porto》festival in Porto).

各位來自世界各地的朋友,有興趣的話, 可到 Emirates Airline 官網自己研究研究 (我可沒收這間航空公司任何宣傳費,哈哈)。

For those of you who are interested in this special offer, you may visit the Emirates Airline website for more details (I've not received any commission fee for promotion from them, haha).

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

暢遊古城/大學城 ~ @ 科英布拉 / @ Coimbra ~ a historic and university city

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【暢遊古城/大學城 ~ @ 科英布拉 】
【@ Coimbra ~ a historic and university city】

科英布拉是其中一個我極之喜歡的葡萄牙古城。不知以前曾到過葡萄牙旅遊的各位朋友, 有沒有去過科拉布拉呢? smile emoticon

Coimbra is one of the historic cities in Portugal that I like very much. Has anyone of you been to Coimbra too when you visited Portugal? smile emoticon

位處在小山丘上的科英布拉 (Coimbra), 是靠在 蒙德古河 (Mondego River) 岸邊的古城。 遠在羅馬時期, 科英布拉這地方是叫做 Aeminium。科英布拉是僅次於首都里斯本 (Lisbon) 和北部砵酒重鎮 波圖 (Porto) 的葡萄牙第三大城市。她在1131-1255年, 更曾經是葡萄牙的首都。

Coimbra ~ located on a hill by the Mondego River ~ was called Aeminium in Roman times. It is the third-largest city in Portugal, after capital Lisbon and Porto. It was even once the capital of Portugal from 1131 to 1255.

令科英布拉名聞遐邇, 還有另一個主要原因: 她那座始建於1290年 (先建立在里斯本, 經歷數次遷移, 最後永久座落在 Coimbra)、世界上最古老的大學之一 ~~ 科英布拉大學 (University of Coimbra)。歷年來出產了無數傑出校友, 包括葡萄牙偉大詩人賈梅士 (Luís Vaz de Camões)、葡萄牙近代政治家和獨裁者薩拉查 (António de Oliveira Salazar); 及著名意大利來華傳教士利瑪竇 (Matteo Ricci)。

Coimbra is renowned for another reason: its university -- the University of Coimbra was founded in 1290 (first in Lisbon, then based permanently in Coimbra from 1537), being one of the oldest universities in the world. Notable alumni and students include: Luís Vaz de Camões, a great poet of Portugal; António de Oliveira Salazar, a Prime-Minister and dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968; and Matteo Ricci, an Italian Jesuit missionary to China and India in the 16th century.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

索取購物膠袋將要每個付 €0.10 / All shopping bags in Portugal to cost €0.10 each

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【索取購物膠袋將要每個付 €0.10 】
【All shopping bags in Portugal to cost €0.10 each】

我一直好奇, 為怎麼在葡萄牙買東西那麼好, 索取膠袋並不需另付費用 (因為在其他很多地方已經有實行膠袋徵費很久了)。 不過, 這幾天閱讀新聞時發現, 從今年2月15日開始, 在葡萄牙買東西時想要向店舖索取膠袋, 就要付€0.10 一個的膠袋徵費。

I have been curious for a long time. How great that in Portugal, it's free of charge to obtain plastic shopping bags when purchasing goods from shops and supermarkets (whereas in many other countries, a plastic bag levy has been implemented for a long time). It has been announced recently however that starting from this February 15, all plastic shopping bags will cost €0.10 each, as a result of the "green taxation" reform.

不說不知, 原來葡萄牙在歐洲, 是膠袋使用率最高的地區之一。 為保護地球, 大家都是時候改變一下生活習慣 ~ 自備購物袋。:-)

Currently, Portugal has one of the highest plastic bag consumption rates in Europe. To protect our world, it's time we change our habit - bring our own shopping bags. smile emoticon

延伸閱讀文章/Article for further reading:

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

@ 波圖 ~~ 歷史悠久的 Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館 / The historic Café-Restaurant Guarany @ Porto

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【@ 波圖 ~~ 歷史悠久的 Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館 】
【The historic Café-Restaurant Guarany @ Porto】

座落在繁忙的 Aliados 大道 (Avenida dos Aliados) 的 《Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館》,成立於1933年1月20日,今天正是它誔生的82週年! 生日快樂!

Situated in the bustling Avenida dos Aliados (Aliados Avenue), 《Café-Restaurant Guarany》 was established on January 20 1933, and today, it celebrates its 82nd anniversary! Feliz Aniversário! Happy birthday!

《Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館》從前是很多政治家、知識分子、音樂家、作家和企業家們一個聚首之地。 "Guarany” 這個名字令人聯想到Guaraní - 一個住在南美洲(現今巴西、巴拉圭和烏拉圭一帶)的很大的土著印第安人部落。 另外, 巴西曾是葡萄牙帝國在15 和16世紀地理大發現時代所征服的殖民地之一; 加上巴西也一直是世界上最大的咖啡豆生產國, 因此 《Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館》著實與巴西有著特別的關連。

《Café-Restaurant Guarany》 was in the old times a place of interaction for many politicians, intellectuals, musicians, writers and businessmen. The name "Guarany" reminds us of Guaraní - a large tribe of native Indians who are indigenous people in South America (which is today Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). 《Café-Restaurant Guarany》 is an allusion to Brazil. Brazil was one of the lands which the Portuguese Empire once conquered during the Age of Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries; and it has been the world's largest coffee producer.

Guarany 是波圖市其中一間最古老的餐廳/咖啡館,不知您有沒有到過呢? 未有的話,下次經過就順道停下來,進去吃點東西和感受一下裡面的印第安氣氛;又或坐在外邊,一邊享受食物和飲品,一邊欣賞Aliados大道、市政廳和周邊雄偉優雅的建築群。:-)

Café-Restaurant Guarany is one of the eldest cafés in Porto. If you have never been here before, stop by next time for a coffee inside and feel the "South American Indian" atmosphere; or sit outside of the café, enjoy its food and drinks while overlooking the Aliados Avenue, City Hall and the majestic and elegant buildings around. smile emoticon

Monday, 19 January 2015

馬德拉群島 ~~好玩的高速 Toboggan 藤籃車之旅 / Madeira Island ~~ Great fun speedy Wicker Toboggan sledge ride

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【馬德拉群島 ~~好玩的高速 Toboggan 藤籃車之旅】
【Madeira Island ~~ Great fun speedy Wicker Toboggan sledge ride】

在馬德拉群島的首府豐沙爾 (Funchal) 遊玩時, 其中必定要做的東西, 是來一趟很有趣也頗刺激的藤籃車之旅 (我高度推介)!

This is one of the things that you must do when in Madeira ~~ a 10-minute ride in a wicker basket Toboggan (I highly recommend it)!

一架藤籃車可容納兩名乘客,以兩條長木橇作滑行之用。兩名穿著整齊制服和戴草帽的男子, 會各站一邊拉著繩子控制著藤籃車, 以頗高速的速度在山上的Monte鎮沿有車行走的很陡峭和繁忙的街上滑下山! 一個獨特又很有趣的體驗! 

A wicker basket Toboggan seats two passengers and has two long wooden runners. Two men in uniforms and straw hats control and pull the Toboggan with ropes on each side and set it off down the the mountain from the village of Monte on a very steep and busy street with traffic still running. A unique and fun experience! 

mile emoticoA wicker basket Toboggan seats two passengers and has two long wooden runners. Two men in uniforms and straw hats control and pull the Toboggan with ropes on each side and set it off down the the mountain from the village of Monte on a very steep and busy street with traffic still running. A unique and fun experience! smile emoticoA wicker basket Toboggan seats two passengers and has two long wooden runners. Two men in uniforms and straw hats control and pull the Toboggan with ropes on each side and set it off down the the mountain from the village of Monte on a very steep and busy street with traffic still running. A unique and fun experience!