Tuesday 20 January 2015

@ 波圖 ~~ 歷史悠久的 Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館 / The historic Café-Restaurant Guarany @ Porto

Know Total Hits

【@ 波圖 ~~ 歷史悠久的 Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館 】
【The historic Café-Restaurant Guarany @ Porto】

座落在繁忙的 Aliados 大道 (Avenida dos Aliados) 的 《Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館》,成立於1933年1月20日,今天正是它誔生的82週年! 生日快樂!

Situated in the bustling Avenida dos Aliados (Aliados Avenue), 《Café-Restaurant Guarany》 was established on January 20 1933, and today, it celebrates its 82nd anniversary! Feliz Aniversário! Happy birthday!

《Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館》從前是很多政治家、知識分子、音樂家、作家和企業家們一個聚首之地。 "Guarany” 這個名字令人聯想到Guaraní - 一個住在南美洲(現今巴西、巴拉圭和烏拉圭一帶)的很大的土著印第安人部落。 另外, 巴西曾是葡萄牙帝國在15 和16世紀地理大發現時代所征服的殖民地之一; 加上巴西也一直是世界上最大的咖啡豆生產國, 因此 《Guarany 餐廳/ 咖啡館》著實與巴西有著特別的關連。

《Café-Restaurant Guarany》 was in the old times a place of interaction for many politicians, intellectuals, musicians, writers and businessmen. The name "Guarany" reminds us of Guaraní - a large tribe of native Indians who are indigenous people in South America (which is today Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). 《Café-Restaurant Guarany》 is an allusion to Brazil. Brazil was one of the lands which the Portuguese Empire once conquered during the Age of Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries; and it has been the world's largest coffee producer.

Guarany 是波圖市其中一間最古老的餐廳/咖啡館,不知您有沒有到過呢? 未有的話,下次經過就順道停下來,進去吃點東西和感受一下裡面的印第安氣氛;又或坐在外邊,一邊享受食物和飲品,一邊欣賞Aliados大道、市政廳和周邊雄偉優雅的建築群。:-)

Café-Restaurant Guarany is one of the eldest cafés in Porto. If you have never been here before, stop by next time for a coffee inside and feel the "South American Indian" atmosphere; or sit outside of the café, enjoy its food and drinks while overlooking the Aliados Avenue, City Hall and the majestic and elegant buildings around. smile emoticon

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