Monday 19 January 2015

馬德拉群島 ~~好玩的高速 Toboggan 藤籃車之旅 / Madeira Island ~~ Great fun speedy Wicker Toboggan sledge ride

Know Total Hits

【馬德拉群島 ~~好玩的高速 Toboggan 藤籃車之旅】
【Madeira Island ~~ Great fun speedy Wicker Toboggan sledge ride】

在馬德拉群島的首府豐沙爾 (Funchal) 遊玩時, 其中必定要做的東西, 是來一趟很有趣也頗刺激的藤籃車之旅 (我高度推介)!

This is one of the things that you must do when in Madeira ~~ a 10-minute ride in a wicker basket Toboggan (I highly recommend it)!

一架藤籃車可容納兩名乘客,以兩條長木橇作滑行之用。兩名穿著整齊制服和戴草帽的男子, 會各站一邊拉著繩子控制著藤籃車, 以頗高速的速度在山上的Monte鎮沿有車行走的很陡峭和繁忙的街上滑下山! 一個獨特又很有趣的體驗! 

A wicker basket Toboggan seats two passengers and has two long wooden runners. Two men in uniforms and straw hats control and pull the Toboggan with ropes on each side and set it off down the the mountain from the village of Monte on a very steep and busy street with traffic still running. A unique and fun experience! 

mile emoticoA wicker basket Toboggan seats two passengers and has two long wooden runners. Two men in uniforms and straw hats control and pull the Toboggan with ropes on each side and set it off down the the mountain from the village of Monte on a very steep and busy street with traffic still running. A unique and fun experience! smile emoticoA wicker basket Toboggan seats two passengers and has two long wooden runners. Two men in uniforms and straw hats control and pull the Toboggan with ropes on each side and set it off down the the mountain from the village of Monte on a very steep and busy street with traffic still running. A unique and fun experience! 

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