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【索取購物膠袋將要每個付 €0.10 】
【All shopping bags in Portugal to cost €0.10 each】
我一直好奇, 為怎麼在葡萄牙買東西那麼好, 索取膠袋並不需另付費用 (因為在其他很多地方已經有實行膠袋徵費很久了)。 不過, 這幾天閱讀新聞時發現, 從今年2月15日開始, 在葡萄牙買東西時想要向店舖索取膠袋, 就要付€0.10 一個的膠袋徵費。
I have been curious for a long time. How great that in Portugal, it's free of charge to obtain plastic shopping bags when purchasing goods from shops and supermarkets (whereas in many other countries, a plastic bag levy has been implemented for a long time). It has been announced recently however that starting from this February 15, all plastic shopping bags will cost €0.10 each, as a result of the "green taxation" reform.
不說不知, 原來葡萄牙在歐洲, 是膠袋使用率最高的地區之一。 為保護地球, 大家都是時候改變一下生活習慣 ~ 自備購物袋。:-)
Currently, Portugal has one of the highest plastic bag consumption rates in Europe. To protect our world, it's time we change our habit - bring our own shopping bags. smile emoticon
延伸閱讀文章/Article for further reading:
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