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【暢遊古城/大學城 ~ @ 科英布拉 】
【@ Coimbra ~ a historic and university city】

科英布拉是其中一個我極之喜歡的葡萄牙古城。不知以前曾到過葡萄牙旅遊的各位朋友, 有沒有去過科拉布拉呢? smile emoticon
Coimbra is one of the historic cities in Portugal that I like very much. Has anyone of you been to Coimbra too when you visited Portugal? smile emoticon
位處在小山丘上的科英布拉 (Coimbra), 是靠在 蒙德古河 (Mondego River) 岸邊的古城。 遠在羅馬時期, 科英布拉這地方是叫做 Aeminium。科英布拉是僅次於首都里斯本 (Lisbon) 和北部砵酒重鎮 波圖 (Porto) 的葡萄牙第三大城市。她在1131-1255年, 更曾經是葡萄牙的首都。
Coimbra ~ located on a hill by the Mondego River ~ was called Aeminium in Roman times. It is the third-largest city in Portugal, after capital Lisbon and Porto. It was even once the capital of Portugal from 1131 to 1255.
令科英布拉名聞遐邇, 還有另一個主要原因: 她那座始建於1290年 (先建立在里斯本, 經歷數次遷移, 最後永久座落在 Coimbra)、世界上最古老的大學之一 ~~ 科英布拉大學 (University of Coimbra)。歷年來出產了無數傑出校友, 包括葡萄牙偉大詩人賈梅士 (Luís Vaz de Camões)、葡萄牙近代政治家和獨裁者薩拉查 (António de Oliveira Salazar); 及著名意大利來華傳教士利瑪竇 (Matteo Ricci)。
Coimbra is renowned for another reason: its university -- the University of Coimbra was founded in 1290 (first in Lisbon, then based permanently in Coimbra from 1537), being one of the oldest universities in the world. Notable alumni and students include: Luís Vaz de Camões, a great poet of Portugal; António de Oliveira Salazar, a Prime-Minister and dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968; and Matteo Ricci, an Italian Jesuit missionary to China and India in the 16th century.

【@ Coimbra ~ a historic and university city】
科英布拉是其中一個我極之喜歡的葡萄牙古城。不知以前曾到過葡萄牙旅遊的各位朋友, 有沒有去過科拉布拉呢? smile emoticon
Coimbra is one of the historic cities in Portugal that I like very much. Has anyone of you been to Coimbra too when you visited Portugal? smile emoticon
位處在小山丘上的科英布拉 (Coimbra), 是靠在 蒙德古河 (Mondego River) 岸邊的古城。 遠在羅馬時期, 科英布拉這地方是叫做 Aeminium。科英布拉是僅次於首都里斯本 (Lisbon) 和北部砵酒重鎮 波圖 (Porto) 的葡萄牙第三大城市。她在1131-1255年, 更曾經是葡萄牙的首都。
Coimbra ~ located on a hill by the Mondego River ~ was called Aeminium in Roman times. It is the third-largest city in Portugal, after capital Lisbon and Porto. It was even once the capital of Portugal from 1131 to 1255.
令科英布拉名聞遐邇, 還有另一個主要原因: 她那座始建於1290年 (先建立在里斯本, 經歷數次遷移, 最後永久座落在 Coimbra)、世界上最古老的大學之一 ~~ 科英布拉大學 (University of Coimbra)。歷年來出產了無數傑出校友, 包括葡萄牙偉大詩人賈梅士 (Luís Vaz de Camões)、葡萄牙近代政治家和獨裁者薩拉查 (António de Oliveira Salazar); 及著名意大利來華傳教士利瑪竇 (Matteo Ricci)。
Coimbra is renowned for another reason: its university -- the University of Coimbra was founded in 1290 (first in Lisbon, then based permanently in Coimbra from 1537), being one of the oldest universities in the world. Notable alumni and students include: Luís Vaz de Camões, a great poet of Portugal; António de Oliveira Salazar, a Prime-Minister and dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968; and Matteo Ricci, an Italian Jesuit missionary to China and India in the 16th century.
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