Saturday 27 December 2014

葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 葡萄牙甜點 @ 科英布拉 // Live @ Portugal ~~ Portuguese desserts @ Coimbra

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 葡萄牙甜點 @ 科英布拉】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Portuguese desserts @ Coimbra】

葡萄牙人確實極之喜歡吃甜點,看這間 café 所供應的甜點,款式真是多得令我吃驚, 簡直目不暇給! 而且樣子都很甜美,有些更造型有趣,完全不能抗拒,我昨天吃了兩款我從未吃過的試試味道,不錯呀,不過...就真的很甜,必定要配一杯咖啡喝,中和一下。 

Portuguese people must really love pastry a lot. See how many kinds of pastry are available at this café in Coimbra? That´s a lot! I think I´ll need to come back to Coimbra many many times in order to try them all (and be able to do a comprehensive report on Portuguese pastry, haha)! I had two different kinds of pastry here yesterday and they tasted nice (and yes, sweet too!).



Many thanks to two Portuguese friends (who know Coimbra very well) took me to this very nice place. Eat more Portuguese pastry and we shall know more about Portugal! 

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