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【葡萄牙的寶石 ~~ 山城歐比多斯】
【A Gem of Portugal ~~ Óbidos Village】
The romantic and beautiful ancient town of Óbidos is located on the hilltop and encircled by a fortified stone wall. Narrow cobblestoned streets, a castle, whitewashed houses filled with geraniums and bougainvillea, backed by a warm historical story ~~ Óbidos Village is like a town from the fairy tales.
二千多年前, 歐比多斯 Óbidos 一帶地區就已經是羅馬帝國的一部分, 古羅馬人在此建立了一些小村落。 羅馬帝國覆滅後, 西哥德人 (Visigoths) (屬東日耳曼部落之一, 是其中一個摧毀羅馬帝國的眾多蠻族之一), 統治伊比利亞半島 (Iberian Penisula), 並在 Óbidos 的小山頂上建立一個更具防禦性的城鎮, 就是今天的 Óbidos Village 的所在地。西元八世紀初, 來自北非的摩爾人 (The Moors) 入侵佔領, 之後並修築一道石頭城牆以防禦外敵入侵。 直到西元1148年, 葡萄牙第一任國王 "阿方索一世" (King Afonso Henrique) 擊退摩爾人, 收復此地, 結束摩爾人長達400年的統治。
1282年, Dinis 國王把這座美麗古城, 送贈給 Isabel 王后作為結婚禮物。這個做法, 之後成為一種傳統, 直到19世紀, 歷任葡萄牙國王都將歐比多斯小鎮送給王后作為結婚聘禮! 也因此, 歐比多斯 (Óbidos) 又被稱作 《婚禮之城》。
King Dinis gave Queen Isabel this tiny incredibly picturesque town as a gift on their wedding day in 1282. This has become a tradition in the Portuguese royal family. From then on, until the 19th century, the town of Óbidos was part of the dowry of all Portuguese queens. And that's why Óbidos is also called "The Wedding Town".
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