Friday 19 December 2014

葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ Bife á Portugália (Portugália 風格的煎牛排配薯條及煎蛋) / Live @ Portugal ~~ Bife á Portugália (fried beef steak in Portugália style, with a special houe sauce

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ Bife á Portugália ( Portugália 風格的煎牛排配薯條及煎蛋)】
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Bife á Portugália (fried beef steak in Portugália style, with a special houe sauce ~ Portugália' s sauce)】

從1925年就開始營業的 Portugália 餐廳,是其中一間很多里斯本人會去光顧的餐廳。家傳户曉的代表作包括這個傳統和富有特色的: Portugália 風格的煎牛排配薯條及煎蛋 (蛋是放在牛排上)。這天我吃的這個菜,是加上他們秘方炮製的醬汁。

Portugália restaurant chain has been doing business since 1925 and is popular among many locals in the Lisbon area. A trademark is this typical beef steak with french fries and a fried egg on top. This one I had was served with the house´s specially made sauce that nobody knows its recipe! 

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