Friday 26 December 2014

夕陽斜照 @葡萄牙天涯海角 洛卡岬 Cabo da Roca / Sunset @Cabo da Roca, Portugal

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 夕陽斜照 @天涯海角 洛卡岬 Cabo da Roca】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Sunset @Cabo da Roca】

歐亞大陸的最西點。「陸止於此、海始於斯」16 世紀葡萄牙詩人 Luís de Camões (賈梅士) 如此形容洛卡岬 (Cabo da Roca)。


The westernmost point of the Eurasian continent. "Aqui, onde a terra se acaba e o mar começa" ("Where the land ends and the sea begins") - Luís de Camões, the famous 16th-century Portuguese poet - described Cabo da Roca.

Listen to the sounds of the Atlantic waves lapping the rough cliff boulders and enjoy the impressing scenery of the sunset.

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