Friday 19 December 2014

葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ Cascais 的聖誕街頭裝飾 & 耶穌誕生場景 / Live @ Portugal ~~ Christmas street lights, decorations and nativity scenes in Cascais

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ Cascais 的聖誕街頭裝飾 & 耶穌誕生場景】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Christmas street lights, decorations and nativity scenes in Cascais】

 聖誕節快來到!葡萄牙是一個傳統天主教國家,所以十分重視聖誕節。在大城小鎮的街頭巷尾,都會有見到五彩繽紛,很花心思設計的各種聖誕燈飾,以及耶穌誕生場景的擺設。濱海旅遊小鎮 Cascais 也不例外,街上和很多店舖同樣都有聖誕裝飾和耶穌誕生場景擺放在鎮中心,慶祝節日的來臨,增添不少愉快歡樂的氣氛。:-)

Christmas is coming very soon. Portugal is a traditional Catholic country which places much importance to Christmas. Attractive and colourful Christmas lights are set up and nativity scenes are demontrated in big cities and small towns here in Portugal. No exception to Cascais ~~ a popular seaside town near Lisbon. 

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