Friday 19 December 2014

葡萄牙道地小吃: 蝦餅和炸薯蓉肉卷 / Portuguese snacks of "Rissóis de Camarão" and "Croquetes"

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 葡萄牙道地小吃 "Rissóis de Camarão" (蝦餅) 和 "Croquetes" (炸薯蓉肉卷)】
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Portuguese snacks of "Rissóis de Camarão" and "Croquetes"】

來到葡萄牙,定要吃多點道地美食, 嘻 。 昨天吃了兩款賣相普通但味道很好,我非常喜愛的道地葡萄牙小吃。

Shalll eat like a local when in Portugal. I had something very typical Portuguese yesterday in Lisbon and I like them very much: Rissóis de Camarão (Portuguese shrimp patties) and Croquetes (mashed potato-filled fried rolls).

Rissóis de Camarão (圖左半月型的炸物) 是葡萄牙式蝦餅,主要製造材料包括麵包屑, 蝦,麵粉和雞蛋。

至於 Croquetes (圖右長條型的炸物) 則是炸薯蓉肉卷,主要材料包括薯蓉、牛肉或豬肉、貝類水產、魚、芝士和菜等,再調配以調味醬或棕醬炸成的。

Rissóis de Camarão (left in the first photo) are Portuguese shrimp patties. The main ingredients include breadcrumbs, shrimps, flour and eggs. Deep fried.

Croquetes (right in the first photo) is a type of small breadcrumbed fried roll. Main ingredients include mashed 
potatoes and/or meat (usually beef or chicken), shellfish, fish, cheese, vegetables; and mixed with béchamel or brown sauce. Deep fried as well.

這兩款小吃都是我到Portugália Cervejaria 餐廳 (在里斯本很受歡迎的連鎖餐廳集團,市內有多間分店)用膳前的飯前小菜。Bom apetite!! 

Both snacks are side dishes that I had at Portugália Cervejaria (a popular restaurant chain in Lisbon).

Bom apetite!! 

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