Monday 22 December 2014

到葡萄牙里斯本Cervejaria Trindade 餐廳開餐 / Lunch at Cervejaria Trindade, Lisbon, Portugal

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 到里斯本Cervejaria Trindade 餐廳開餐】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~Lunch at Cervejaria Trindade, Lisbon】

很開心,相隔多年,可以又來這間在里斯本非常受歡迎的餐廳開餐。由於時間仍早 (到達時還未到中午12時,未有其他客人), 所以我可盡情不停拍照。

這裡的員工都穿得像古時的僧侶,有趣。實在,這裡在13世紀晚期時本來是一間修道院,一直到1836年,被收購買下,改建成為一間釀酒廠, 就是今天的 Cervejaria Trindade (Cervejaria 一字是 brewery/ beer house的意思)。



Very glad to be here again. As time was still early (it was not yet 12:00 midday when I arrived and there were no any other customers), so I could take as many pictures as I wanted.

Staff members here wear like monks! Interesting. Indeed this place was originally a monastery in the late 13th century and lodged the Trinos Friars. It was until 1836 that the place was bought and converted into a brewery ~~ Cervejaria Trindade today.

This restaurant is awarded by the Portugal Tourism Office as part of the artistic and cultural heritage of the City of Lisbon. 


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