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【葡萄牙聖誕蛋糕 ~~ 帝王蛋糕】
【Portuguese Christmas Cakes ~~ Bolo Rei】
踏入12月, 聖誕氣氛越見濃厚, 很快又會到聖誕節! 在葡萄牙, 除了可以欣賞設計美麗、五顏六色又令人賞心悅目的街頭聖誕燈飾和巨型聖誕樹之外, 還有就是品嘗傳統蛋糕 ~~ 《帝王蛋糕》。《帝王蛋糕》無容置疑是葡萄牙聖誕節的的一大象徵。
傳統地, 葡萄牙人會在聖誕節 (12月25日) 到大約主顯節 (1月6日) 這段時間裡吃《帝王蛋糕》。《帝王蛋糕》其實源於法國, 在19世紀時引進來到葡萄牙。現在依舊在里斯本市中心營業的著名糕餅店 Confeitaria Nacional 就是於1829年首先將Bolo Rei 食譜引入葡萄牙 (Confeitaria Nacional 乃當時葡萄牙君王的御用糕餅店)。
Traditionally, the Bolo Rei is eaten around December 25th (Nativity) until January 6th (Epiphany or "Day of Kings"). The Bolo Rei recipe originated in France and arrived in Portugal during the 19th century. Confeitaria Nacional, which is still operating today in Lisbon city centre, is the first bakery which first introduced this recipe to the country in 1829. (At the time Confeitaria Nacional was the official bakery of the Portuguese monarchy).
The major ingredients of a Bolo Rei are: a soft dough with raisins, candied and dried fruits, various nuts and fava beans that have all been soaked in port wine. The dough is shaped into a ring that resembles a crown. Put some crystallised fruits on top and then bake in the oven. Allow to cool completely and then dust some icing sugar on top for decoration.
今個月會去葡萄牙旅遊的朋友, 記緊要試試吃這個帝王蛋糕呀!
Remember to try Bolo Rei if you're visiting Portugal this month!
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