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【天然石灰鐘乳洞 ~~ Grutas da Moeda】
【Natural limestone stalactite caves ~~ The Coin Caves】
葡萄牙境內, 有多個天然石灰鐘乳洞。今次參觀的洞穴 (一定要由在該洞穴工作的人員帶領參觀), 叫做 Grutas da Moeda ("Coin Caves"), 跟著名的天主教聖地 Fatima (花地瑪) 距離不遠。
洞穴在1971年被意外發現, 當時兩位獵人為追補一隻狐狸, 看見牠走入樹叢中的一個洞穴。好奇心驅使下, 走入裡面參觀, 而發現內裡原來充滿了無數的石灰岩地層, 美麗的自然風光。兩人之後曾多次造訪該石洞, 發現了更多更美, 具科學和旅遊價值的部分。
The Coin Caves (Grutas da Moeda) were discovered in 1971 by accident. Two huntsmen were chasing a fox, saw it enter one natural hole under the bushes. Driven by curiosity, they decided to follow and enter the cave, and discovered the natural beauty inside -- in the galleries there were countless beautiful limestone formations. Afterwards, the two huntsmen repeatedly visited the cave and discovered more beautiful and stunning parts of high scientific and touristic values.
A team of geologists and speleologists also confirmed the rich scientific and touristic importance of the caves. Along the years, the main concern of the government has been to preserve rigorously, not only the Coin Caves, but also its surroundings.
現在, 開放給公眾參觀的洞穴範圍長達350米, 從入口深入45米。洞穴內氣溫長年保持在大約攝氏18度左右。 石洞裡有燈光照射, 石筍、鐘乳石、鐘乳柱等都保養得很好很美麗; 而我覺得解說的導遊專業、熱心和博學在行。 下次大家來葡萄牙旅遊時, 會不會也考慮一下到 Grutas da Moeda 參觀呢?
如何參觀 (How to visit):
(官方網站 / official website):
開放日 (Open days):
石灰洞景區每天開放 (聖誕節 12月25日關館)
Open: Every day throughout the year (closed on Christmas Day - 25 December)
石灰洞景區每天開放 (聖誕節 12月25日關館)
Open: Every day throughout the year (closed on Christmas Day - 25 December)
開放時間 (Open hours):
10月至3月: 早上9時正 至 下午5時正
4月至6月: 早上9時正 至 下午6時正
7月至9月: 早上9時正 至 下午7時正
10月至3月: 早上9時正 至 下午5時正
4月至6月: 早上9時正 至 下午6時正
7月至9月: 早上9時正 至 下午7時正
Open hours:
October to March: 09h00-17h00
April to June: 09h00-18h00
July to September: 09h00-19h00
October to March: 09h00-17h00
April to June: 09h00-18h00
July to September: 09h00-19h00
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