Friday, 27 February 2015

火車頭上售賣熱騰騰的栗子 / Hot chestnuts sold at a locomotive

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【Hot chestnuts sold at a locomotive】

冬天時, 常在葡萄牙的街頭上見到小販在販賣熱騰騰的栗子。在寒冷時,買來一小點,還未打開來吃,光是只捧著那包熱栗子,人都即時溫暖了許多。

Chestnuts are often seen being sold at small carts in Portugal. In a cold winter day, buy some chestnuts and before I even open them and eat, the hot chestnuts in the paper bag have already warmed me up.


Selling chestnuts at an unreal locomotive. Quite an interesting idea.... at least it has attracted my attention! 

mile emoticon也許來葡萄牙遊玩的華人旅客真的增長了不少,最近發現在里斯本市中心 Rossio 火車站附近擺賣的一位栗子小販,他的小車上竟然出現了中文介紹! 是一直已經有這些中文字在那小車上? 還是只是我以前從來沒有留意過呢?:-)

也許來葡萄牙遊玩的華人旅客真的增長了不少,最近發現在里斯本市中心 Rossio 火車站附近擺賣的一位栗子小販,他的小車上竟然出現了中文介紹! 是一直已經有這些中文字在那小車上? 還是只是我以前從來沒有留意過呢?

Probably Portugal has become more popular among Chinese visitors, because I recently found that on a small cart selling chestnuts (located near Rossio train station in Lisbon), the hawker put up some description in Chinese words too! Has he put up that Chinese description for a long time already, and just that I have overlooked it myself in the past? smile emoticon

Monday, 23 February 2015

葡萄牙的搖籃 ~ 中世紀古城 基馬拉斯 / The cradle of Portugal ~ the historic medieval city of Guimarães

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【葡萄牙的搖籃 ~ 中世紀古城 基馬拉斯】
【The cradle of Portugal ~ the historic medieval city of Guimarães】

葡萄牙曾經定都於 科英布拉 (Coimbra), 期後又遷都到里斯本 (Lisbon) (1255年開始)。 在葡萄牙國家歷史上同樣具有舉足輕重的地方, 還包括北部中世紀古城 基馬拉斯 (Guimarães), 被譽為「葡萄牙的搖籃」, 是葡萄牙獨立成國之發源地, 也是葡萄牙第一位國王 亞豐素·殷理基 (Dom Afonso Henriques) (1109-1185) 的誕生地。

Coimbra was once the capital of Portugal, and the capital was eventually moved to Lisbon (from Year 1255). The medieval town of Guimarães - located in the north of Portugal - places an important role too in the history of Portugal, being the place of formation of Portugal and the birthplace of the nation's first King Dom Afonso Henriques (1139-1185).

有到過基馬拉斯旅遊的朋友們, 應該記得, 在一進入市中心時 (如果您是乘坐火車到達然後步行進入市中心), 從遠遠就已經可以看到一座古老建築的外牆上面, 寫著: "Aqui nasceu Portugal" ("葡萄牙在此誕生")。

Those who have visited Guimarães before shall remember that once entering the city centre (if you arrive Guimarães by train and then walk to the city centre), you can already see from far away the words written on the wall of a historic building: Aqui nasceu Portugal (Portugal was born here).

基馬拉斯古城 在2006年被聯合國教科文組織 (UNESCO) 列為世界文化遺產; 並被歐盟選為2012年歐洲文化之都。

The historic centre of Guimarães has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2006; and was designated by the European Union as the 2012 European Capital of Culture.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

新春百無禁忌 ~~ 閱書記 《葡萄牙的大發現》/ No holds barred ~~ Reading 《Age of Discovery of Portugal》during the Lunar New Year

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【新春百無禁忌 ~~ 閱書記 《葡萄牙的大發現》】
【No holds barred ~~ Reading 《Age of Discovery of Portugal》during the Lunar New Year】

這兩天可能有不少朋友忙於預備過年, 和到親人、親戚及朋友家拜年。我就難得有幾天假期, 埋首於閱讀從公共圖書館借來已久還未看完的書籍。終於, 快速地閱過了《葡萄牙的大發現 ~ 第一卷》。

I guess many of you have been busy preparing for the New Year in the last few days, and pay visits to your beloved family members, relatives and friends. For me, what a great holiday break - immersed in reading and tried to finish all the books that I have borrowed from the public library but have not read yet. Finally, I have quickly done one good book about the Great Discoveries of Portugal ~ Volume 1.

如果您對葡萄牙15/16世紀如何征服海洋, 以大冒險家精神, 成為世界上第一批經過大西洋, 開拓非洲大陸, 發現了從歐洲, 繞過非洲最南端好望角, 進入印度和亞洲的海路; 更在1500年首先發現現在的巴西的話, 這本書十分值得看。 還有第二卷在等著我... 哈。

If you are interested in: How the adventurous Portuguese in the 15th and 16th centuries conquered the ocean, becoming the world's first peoples who passed the Atlantic Ocean, discovered and conquered the African continent, found the sea route which goes all the way from Europe, passed by the Cape of Good Hope, to reach India and Asia; and also discovered Brazil in 1500, this may be a book that you would be interested too. There's the Volume 2 waiting for me to read... ha!

Monday, 16 February 2015

典雅耀目的 里斯本羅西歐火車站 / The elegant Rossio Train Station @Lisbon

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【典雅耀目的 里斯本羅西歐火車站】
【The elegant Rossio Train Station @Lisbon】

昔日稱作「中央火車站」的「羅西歐火車站」 (Rossio Train Station), 座落在里斯本市中心熱鬧繁忙的 Praça do Rossio (羅西歐廣場) 旁邊。這耀眼奪目的建築地標, 由葡萄牙建築師Jose Luis Monteiro 設計興建, 建成於1887年。

Formerly known as the "Central Train Station", "Rossio Train Station" is located just next to the hustle and bustle Praça do Rossio in the heart of downtown Lisbon. This dazzling and elegant architectural landmark, designed by the Portuguese architect Jose Luis Monteiro, was built in 1887.

其作為基建設施的重要性雖然已被另一個更大型更現代化的 Gare do Oriente 火車站所取代 (現在只有來往里斯本和辛特拉 (Sintra) 會由羅西歐火車站開出), 但華麗的建築外型、火車站正立面那精緻的浮雕和兩個交織一起的馬蹄型門面, 依舊吸引無數來里斯本旅遊的遊客前來駐足欣賞拍照。 而以鑄鐵覆蓋的月台也同樣醒目耀目, 令人印象深刻。

Although its infrastructural importance has been replaced by the larger and more modern Gare do Oriente Train Station (whereas Rossio Train Station only now serves connections between Lisbon and Sintra), it remains a major attraction for numerous visitors to Lisbon, admiring the ornate architecture, its exquisite sculptural decorations in the facade and two intertwined horseshoe arched doorways. The cast-iron work which covers the platforms inside of the station is equally impressive and eye-catching.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

里斯本的古老電車 / Classic Trams @Lisbon

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【Classic Trams @Lisbon】

Explore Lisbon by trams!

里斯本有很棒的交通運輸系統: 巴士、地鐵、火車、纜車和計程車。還有方便的電車網絡。

Lisbon has an excellent transport system: buses, metro, trains, funiculars and taxis. Besides all these, there is also the convenient tram network too.
在里斯本遊玩,必玩點就是乘坐電車穿梭里斯本的大街小巷。里斯本有幾條電車路線,最熱門最受旅客歡迎的,當是28 號路線。以一個車箱行駛的28號古老黃色電車 (葡文叫作 Electrico 28),穿梭來往里斯本市中心區、市內一些廣場和蜿蜒狹窄的街道。上山下坡,停經很多重要旅遊景點。

One of the highlights of a trip in Lisbon is an interesting ride on the tram ~ the most popular route being the Route #28. The single-carriage #28 vintage yellow tram (Electrico 28 in Portuguese) passes through the city centre, some squares and winding narrow streets, going up and down hill, stopping near many touristic attractions.

部分28 號電車行駛經過的旅遊景點:
Some of the touristic attractions that the #28 tram pass nearby:

里斯本主教座堂 / Sé de Lisboa (Cathedral)
聖左治城堡 / Castelo de São Jorge (St. George Castle)
Portas do Sol 觀景台 / Miradouro das Portas do Sol (panoramic viewpoint)
阿爾法瑪老城區 / Alfama District
里斯本跳蚤市場 / Feira da Ladra (Flea market)

因為28 號路線電車極受遊客歡迎,因此在繁忙時間,電車會很擠迫,也引來不少扒手出現,大家要非常小心。

Stay alert of pickpockets on the #28 tram, as it is very popular among tourists, and tram carriages can get really packed during the peak hours.

 — at Lisboa, Portugal

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

奇特神秘絕對值得參觀的 雷加萊拉莊園 @辛特拉 / The magical and mysterious Quinta da Regaleira @Sintra

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【奇特神秘絕對值得參觀的 雷加萊拉莊園 @辛特拉】
【The magical and mysterious Quinta da Regaleira @Sintra】

位於美麗的歷史古鎮 辛特拉 (Sintra), 被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的《雷加萊拉莊園》(Quinta da Regaleira)》, 神奇又神秘, 絕對值得參觀。

Located in the charming historic town of Sintra and has been classified as an UNESCO World Heritage Site,《Quinta da Regaleira》is without doubt one of the most magical and mysterious places in Portugal that worths very much a visit.

絕大部分來辛特拉遊玩的旅客, 都會去 Pena Palace (佩納宮) 和 Palácio Nacional de Sintra (辛特拉宮) 參觀, 因為這兩個皇宮著實名氣最大。不過如果您問我, 我就會說, 必定要來一趟由意大利建築師 Luigi Manini 於19世紀末精心策劃建築的《雷加萊拉莊園》。莊園佔地廣闊, 內裡包括有: 哥德式的雷加萊拉宮,雷加萊拉小禮拜堂,以及一個豪華奇妙的公園,內有湖泊、洞穴、水井,長椅,噴泉和繁多細緻精美的建築與雕刻。

Most travellers to Sintra would visit Palácio Nacional de Pena (Pena Palace) and the Palácio Nacional de Sintra (Sintra National Palace), as these two places are the best known of Sintra. But if you ask me, I would say, be sure to go and visit 《Quinta da Regaleira》. This late-19th century decorative estate ("Quinta" in Portuguese) by Italian architect Luigi Manini consists of a Gothic palace, a chapel, and a luxurious park with lakes, grottoes, wells, benches, fountains, and many exquisite constructions and ornate features.

一個超神奇之地, 簡直就是一個引人入勝的冒險樂園。順便一提, 記緊要帶一支手電筒去參觀《雷加萊拉莊園》! smile emoticon

Such a magical place. This is simply a fascinating adventure park for everyone. By the way, remember to take a torch (flashlight) with you to 《Quinta da Regaleira》.smile emoticon

— at Quinta Da Regaleira, Sintra, Portugal