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【The magical and mysterious Quinta da Regaleira @Sintra】
位於美麗的歷史古鎮 辛特拉 (Sintra), 被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的《雷加萊拉莊園》(Quinta da Regaleira)》, 神奇又神秘, 絕對值得參觀。
Located in the charming historic town of Sintra and has been classified as an UNESCO World Heritage Site,《Quinta da Regaleira》is without doubt one of the most magical and mysterious places in Portugal that worths very much a visit.
絕大部分來辛特拉遊玩的旅客, 都會去 Pena Palace (佩納宮) 和 Palácio Nacional de Sintra (辛特拉宮) 參觀, 因為這兩個皇宮著實名氣最大。不過如果您問我, 我就會說, 必定要來一趟由意大利建築師 Luigi Manini 於19世紀末精心策劃建築的《雷加萊拉莊園》。莊園佔地廣闊, 內裡包括有: 哥德式的雷加萊拉宮,雷加萊拉小禮拜堂,以及一個豪華奇妙的公園,內有湖泊、洞穴、水井,長椅,噴泉和繁多細緻精美的建築與雕刻。
Most travellers to Sintra would visit Palácio Nacional de Pena (Pena Palace) and the Palácio Nacional de Sintra (Sintra National Palace), as these two places are the best known of Sintra. But if you ask me, I would say, be sure to go and visit 《Quinta da Regaleira》. This late-19th century decorative estate ("Quinta" in Portuguese) by Italian architect Luigi Manini consists of a Gothic palace, a chapel, and a luxurious park with lakes, grottoes, wells, benches, fountains, and many exquisite constructions and ornate features.
一個超神奇之地, 簡直就是一個引人入勝的冒險樂園。順便一提, 記緊要帶一支手電筒去參觀《雷加萊拉莊園》! smile emoticon
Such a magical place. This is simply a fascinating adventure park for everyone. By the way, remember to take a torch (flashlight) with you to 《Quinta da Regaleira》.smile emoticon
— at Quinta Da Regaleira, Sintra, Portugal
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