Monday 23 February 2015

葡萄牙的搖籃 ~ 中世紀古城 基馬拉斯 / The cradle of Portugal ~ the historic medieval city of Guimarães

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【葡萄牙的搖籃 ~ 中世紀古城 基馬拉斯】
【The cradle of Portugal ~ the historic medieval city of Guimarães】

葡萄牙曾經定都於 科英布拉 (Coimbra), 期後又遷都到里斯本 (Lisbon) (1255年開始)。 在葡萄牙國家歷史上同樣具有舉足輕重的地方, 還包括北部中世紀古城 基馬拉斯 (Guimarães), 被譽為「葡萄牙的搖籃」, 是葡萄牙獨立成國之發源地, 也是葡萄牙第一位國王 亞豐素·殷理基 (Dom Afonso Henriques) (1109-1185) 的誕生地。

Coimbra was once the capital of Portugal, and the capital was eventually moved to Lisbon (from Year 1255). The medieval town of Guimarães - located in the north of Portugal - places an important role too in the history of Portugal, being the place of formation of Portugal and the birthplace of the nation's first King Dom Afonso Henriques (1139-1185).

有到過基馬拉斯旅遊的朋友們, 應該記得, 在一進入市中心時 (如果您是乘坐火車到達然後步行進入市中心), 從遠遠就已經可以看到一座古老建築的外牆上面, 寫著: "Aqui nasceu Portugal" ("葡萄牙在此誕生")。

Those who have visited Guimarães before shall remember that once entering the city centre (if you arrive Guimarães by train and then walk to the city centre), you can already see from far away the words written on the wall of a historic building: Aqui nasceu Portugal (Portugal was born here).

基馬拉斯古城 在2006年被聯合國教科文組織 (UNESCO) 列為世界文化遺產; 並被歐盟選為2012年歐洲文化之都。

The historic centre of Guimarães has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2006; and was designated by the European Union as the 2012 European Capital of Culture.

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