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【新春百無禁忌 ~~ 閱書記 《葡萄牙的大發現》】
【No holds barred ~~ Reading 《Age of Discovery of Portugal》during the Lunar New Year】
【No holds barred ~~ Reading 《Age of Discovery of Portugal》during the Lunar New Year】
這兩天可能有不少朋友忙於預備過年, 和到親人、親戚及朋友家拜年。我就難得有幾天假期, 埋首於閱讀從公共圖書館借來已久還未看完的書籍。終於, 快速地閱過了《葡萄牙的大發現 ~ 第一卷》。
如果您對葡萄牙15/16世紀如何征服海洋, 以大冒險家精神, 成為世界上第一批經過大西洋, 開拓非洲大陸, 發現了從歐洲, 繞過非洲最南端好望角, 進入印度和亞洲的海路; 更在1500年首先發現現在的巴西的話, 這本書十分值得看。 還有第二卷在等著我... 哈。
If you are interested in: How the adventurous Portuguese in the 15th and 16th centuries conquered the ocean, becoming the world's first peoples who passed the Atlantic Ocean, discovered and conquered the African continent, found the sea route which goes all the way from Europe, passed by the Cape of Good Hope, to reach India and Asia; and also discovered Brazil in 1500, this may be a book that you would be interested too. There's the Volume 2 waiting for me to read... ha!
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