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【典雅耀目的 里斯本羅西歐火車站】
【The elegant Rossio Train Station @Lisbon】
【The elegant Rossio Train Station @Lisbon】
Formerly known as the "Central Train Station", "Rossio Train Station" is located just next to the hustle and bustle Praça do Rossio in the heart of downtown Lisbon. This dazzling and elegant architectural landmark, designed by the Portuguese architect Jose Luis Monteiro, was built in 1887.
其作為基建設施的重要性雖然已被另一個更大型更現代化的 Gare do Oriente 火車站所取代 (現在只有來往里斯本和辛特拉 (Sintra) 會由羅西歐火車站開出), 但華麗的建築外型、火車站正立面那精緻的浮雕和兩個交織一起的馬蹄型門面, 依舊吸引無數來里斯本旅遊的遊客前來駐足欣賞拍照。 而以鑄鐵覆蓋的月台也同樣醒目耀目, 令人印象深刻。
Although its infrastructural importance has been replaced by the larger and more modern Gare do Oriente Train Station (whereas Rossio Train Station only now serves connections between Lisbon and Sintra), it remains a major attraction for numerous visitors to Lisbon, admiring the ornate architecture, its exquisite sculptural decorations in the facade and two intertwined horseshoe arched doorways. The cast-iron work which covers the platforms inside of the station is equally impressive and eye-catching.
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