Friday, 31 July 2015

【葡萄牙住宿推介 - @ Aveiro 】/ 【Recommendation on accommodation @ Aveiro】

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【葡萄牙住宿推介 - @ Aveiro 】
【Recommendation on accommodation @ Aveiro】

以前好像從來沒介紹過在葡萄牙的住宿, 今次作介紹, 主要因覺得旅館設備不錯,企理潔淨,地點很方便,旅館的職員又超友善!

As far as I can remember, I have never introduced any hostels and hotels in here before. This time I want to introduce this one in Aveiro, as I found the facilities of this small hostel pretty good. It's clean, tidy, in a good location and the staff there are really friendly.

久不久我都有收到旅館住宿提議的查詢,所以就放post給大家作個參考。我看他們的大地圖,之前有中港澳台旅客來住過。旅館樓下有一間小餐廳 (有很好的wifi), 洗衣店,生果店等。我兩星期前來Aveiro, 是透過大型訂酒店網站訂房間的。

I receive enquiries on accommodation once in a while so I'll from now on post info on the hotels and hostels that I find good in my page here for your reference. I read the huge map they hang on the wall of the hostel and saw there have been travellers from China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan who stayed there before. Under the hostel, there is a small café (with good wifi), a laundromat and a fruit store. I booked with this hostel via a big online hotel booking website two weeks ago when I visited Aveiro.

資料 / Information:
旅館名稱 / Name of hotel: Hospedaria Familiar

Saturday, 25 July 2015

【現場直擊】我親愛的珍珠奶茶! /【Live】My dear bubble milk tea !

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【現場直擊】我親愛的珍珠奶茶!@ 里斯本
【Live】My dear bubble milk tea ! @ Lisbon

難得的珍珠奶茶,給我在葡萄牙飲得到,樂透了 (因為這間好像是全葡萄牙第一間賣珍珠奶茶的地方,剛開張兩三星期左右) (價錢有點貴,算吧)!:-)

I found bubble milk tea in Portugal! This is the first place selling bubble milk tea all over Portugal (as far as I know it) opened just two or three weeks ago. Fantastic. A little pricy but, forget the price. :-)

【現場直擊】有趣的方式遊玩里斯本 / 【Live】Fun ways seeing Lisbon

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【Live】Fun ways seeing Lisbon

It's so hot and sunny today in Lisbon. The sun is so strong.

Friday, 24 July 2015

【現場直擊】【下午茶點 @ Pastelaria Benard @里斯本】/ 【Live】【Afternoon snacks @ Pastelaria Benard, Lisbon】

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【現場直擊】【下午茶點 @ Pastelaria Benard @里斯本】
【Live】【Afternoon snacks @ Pastelaria Benard, Lisbon】

按捺不住,又來吃甜點了! 這間老店歷史悠久,不過我也是第一次來試試吃。收銀的女職員雖然不懂英文 (我就用我的爛葡萄牙文跟她說出我想要的甜點) 超友善,我吃完了她還特意走過來問我喜歡否,這裡的甜點很好吃。:-)

Can't resist the temptation of pastry (again!). I tried the pastry at this old traditional pastry shop. The lady at the cashier is very friendly (she can't speak English and I used my poor Portuguese to communicate with her), and she came over to ask if I liked the pastry that I had. Yes, I do! :-)

Thursday, 23 July 2015

【最美麗的書店之一 -- Livraria Lello & Irmão】@ 波圖 / 【One of the most beautiful bookshops in the world - Livraria Lello & Irmão】@ Porto

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【最美麗的書店之一  --  Livraria Lello & Irmão】@ 波圖
【One of the most beautiful bookshops in the world - Livraria Lello & Irmão】@ Porto

無容置疑, Livraria Lello & Irmão 是來到波圖必要看的地方之一。兩層高的書店, 內部裝飾簡直是驚為天人 -- 裝飾精采的雕花木板、粉紅色的中央彎曲木樓梯、美妙的彩色玻璃天花,再加上 Art Deco 裝飾藝術風格的正立面, 就像在哈利·波特的世界裡才會看得到的神奇之地。

Without doubt, Livraria Lello & Irmão is a must-see in Porto. The two-level interior of this bookshop is simply stunning - beautifully decorated carved wooden panels, a pink winding central wooden stairway, wonderful stained glass ceiling, plus the Art Deco facade. A unusually magical place like one would only see in the world of Harry Potter.


By the way, starting from today July 23 2015, the bookshop charges visitors a 3-euro entrance fee. Two days ago, I grasped the last chance of free entry to visit and appreciate its architecture and design, and took many pictures too. 

Saturday, 18 July 2015

現場直擊【葡萄牙購物血拼】/ Live 【Getting shopaholic in Portugal】

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Live 【Getting shopaholic in Portugal】!

這邊所有店舖都在大減價, 不買簡直是難度極高的事情。例如:早兩天就在阿威羅 (Aveiro) 一個購物商場,以10歐元買了一雙 Pull & Bear 的布鞋,在Mango 用 15歐買了一條牛仔褲。


Most shops here in Portugal are having big sales. It's really hard not to buy anything. Simply irresistible! For example, I bought a pair of sneakers a few days ago at a shopping mall in Aveiro for only 10 euros; and a pair of jeans at Mango for about 15 euros.

I don't often go shopping, and now make use of this opportunity to buy stuff. Pretend as a smart consumer, ha! 

Friday, 17 July 2015

現場直擊 @ Costa Nova 海灘 / Live @ Praia de Costa Nova (Costa Nova Beach)

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現場直擊 @ Costa Nova 海灘
Live @ Praia de Costa Nova (Costa Nova Beach)

這個我想了很久要來的地方,終於來到了! smile emoticon
This is a place that I wished to visit for a long time. I came at last! smile emoticon

距離阿威羅市 (有 “葡萄牙的威尼斯” 的美稱, 皆因她如同意大利的威尼斯有多條運河穿插在小鎮內) 只大概25分鐘巴士車程,就來到這個沙灘小鎮。小鎮一邊是靠著河水平靜如鏡的運河,另一邊則是一個靠對著大西洋的長濶沙灘,大西洋的海水有點冷,而且海浪很大,是衝浪者的天堂,而我?選擇在沙灘躺下來曬曬太陽夠了,哈!

我今趟短遊最大目的是要來看看那些被掃上多彩條紋樣子的可愛木屋, 它們實在很美麗!

A roughly 25-minute ride by bus from the town centre of Aveiro (called "The Venice of Portugal" for its several canals run thoroughout the town, just like Venice of Italy) got me to this beautiful Costa Nova Beach (Praia de Costa Nova). One side of it borders directly with the rolling water of the Atlantic Ocean (therefore a popular surfers' paradise), while the other side faces the lagoon with calm water. The water in the Atlantic Ocean is a bit too cold for me. I chose to lie down on the sandy beach, soaking up the sun. Ha!

My main aim of this short trip is to see those lovely stripe-painted wooden houses. They are really so cute!

Monday, 13 July 2015

現場直擊@Tomar【Tomar 4年一度節慶 Festa dos Tabuleiros】 / @Live @Tomar【Festa dos Tabuleiros festival @Tomar】

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現場直擊@Tomar【Tomar 4年一度節慶 Festa dos Tabuleiros】
@Live @Tomar【Festa dos Tabuleiros festival @Tomar】

這幾天我在Tomar, 參與四年一度的大型節慶, 叫作 Festa dos Tabuleiros。節慶從7月4日至13日,高潮在11-12日兩天, 市中心舉行多項活動,包括有大型巡遊、表演、放煙花等。這兩天裡 Tomar 鎮中心全擠滿了本地和來自各地的旅客,氣氛非常熱鬧。市中心多條街道被布置得極之美麗,擁滿拍照的遊客,各間食店也被擠得水泄不通。


I'm in Tomar these few days, watched the famous "Festa dos Tabuleiros" (Festival of the Trays) that takes place once every four years.

The festival this time lasted for 10 days, from 4th to 13th of July 2015, the climax was on the 11th and 12th, when there were various activities including huge processions, street performance and fireworks etc. The town centre was all packed with locals and tourists. Streets and alleys are beautifully decorated and crammed with tourists, same to many estaurants and cafés.

This is so far the most spectacular festival in Portugal that I have emoticon

Friday, 10 July 2015

《Bica 纜車》暫停服務 /《Elevador da Bica》out of service

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【《Bica 纜車》暫停服務】
【《Elevador da Bica》out of service】

近來如果想要在里斯本旅遊時搭乘著名的纜車《Bica 纜車》的話可要注意, 由於保養維修關係, 《Bica 纜車》在6月21日至7月24日期間暫停服務。

Those of you who would like to take the Elevador da Bica (Funicular of Bica) in Lisbon these days may want to know that it is indeed out of service from June 21 to July 24 due to necessary maintenance repair works.

由1892年開始運作的《Bica 纜車》, 行走於 Rua de São Paulo (Rua Duarte Belo) (São Paulo 街) 與 Largo de Calhariz (Calhariz 廣場) 之間, 路程雖短卻是滿有風味。昨日我行經 Rua de São Paulo (Rua Duarte Belo)的纜車入口, 看到維修工程在進行中。

Opened in 1892, Elevador da Bica runs between Rua de São Paulo (Rua Duarte Belo) (São Paulo Street) and Largo de Calhariz (Calhariz Square). The route is short but is considered the most typical and interesting among the four funiculars in Lisbon. I passed by the entrance of the funicular yesterday and saw that repair works is in full progress.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

@現場直擊【里斯本地鐵站玩巨型自拍】/ @Live【Take large selfies at Lisbon metro stations】

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@Live【Take large selfies at Lisbon metro stations】

來到里斯本旅遊, 經過地鐵站時有時間又無聊沒事幹, 不妨即興來玩玩這個玩意: 自拍! 不用自己將手拉到老遠, 大家只需要站在這個超大。

自拍神器前擺好姿勢, 一聲令下, 機器會開始倒數5下然後拍照! 跟著輸入您想相片要傳送到的電郵地址, 您就會收到相片, 相當好玩! 

While you are travelling on the metro/underground in Lisbon with a group of friends, try taking some pictures with one of these interesting and huge selfie machines at various metro stations! Do some settings first on the machine, then stand in front of the machine and strike whatever poses you and your friends like, the machine will counter down 5 seconds, and a picture is shot! You can ask for the picture to be sent to an email by inputting an email address.

smile emoticon

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

現場直擊 @Mercado da Ribeira, Lisbon (里斯本著名 Mercado da Ribeira 街市) / Live @ Mercado da Ribeira (a famous market @Lisbon

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現場直擊 @Mercado da Ribeira, Lisbon (里斯本著名 Mercado da Ribeira 街市) 
Live @ Mercado da Ribeira (a famous market @Lisbon

First time that I walked through here. Saw the meat/fish/fruit/flower market; and then had lunch at the food mall.


這道菜叫 "Alentejo 黑豬面珠、配薯蓉和白菜,另加葡萄牙著名綠酒 (vinho verde), 味道很好。 

Lunch: Alentejo black pork cheeks with creamy potato mash and cabbage; and a glass of "vinho verde" (green wine).

歐元紙幣及硬幣 / Euro bank notes and coins

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【歐元紙幣及硬幣】【Euro bank notes and coins】

從來沒有想過能夠集齊一套歐元的紙幣和硬幣, 特別是那誇張嚇人的大面額500歐元和較少見到的200歐元。一般來說,這裡的店舖是不會收取500歐元這張極大面值的紙幣。朋友教路, 在手的500歐元, 找本地的朋友先存進銀行, 然後再從提款機提款, 正常來說, 在提款機提取500歐元, 它大概不會吐出一張500歐元吧 (500歐元可是大約4,300港幣啊)。至於200歐元由於較少流通, 就留起作紀念吧。


I have never thought before that I could have collected one full set of euro banknotes and coins, in particular the "very scary" large 500-euro notes and the "less-seen" 200-euro notes. A good friend suggested that I ask a local friend here in Portugal to deposit the 500-euro banknote with a bank, and then take the amount out from an ATM machine (500 euros is worth about 4,300 Hong Kong dollars). Normally, ATM machines shall give out bank notes in small denominations. 200-euro notes are less seen so I shall keep it myself for the time being.

Just a suggestion: to avoid troubles, tend not to exchange for large denominated banknotes before coming to Portugal.