Accurate Visits
【葡萄牙住宿推介 - @ Aveiro 】
【Recommendation on accommodation @ Aveiro】
【Recommendation on accommodation @ Aveiro】
以前好像從來沒介紹過在葡萄牙的住宿, 今次作介紹, 主要因覺得旅館設備不錯,企理潔淨,地點很方便,旅館的職員又超友善!
As far as I can remember, I have never introduced any hostels and hotels in here before. This time I want to introduce this one in Aveiro, as I found the facilities of this small hostel pretty good. It's clean, tidy, in a good location and the staff there are really friendly.
久不久我都有收到旅館住宿提議的查詢,所以就放post給大家作個參考。我看他們的大地圖,之前有中港澳台旅客來住過。旅館樓下有一間小餐廳 (有很好的wifi), 洗衣店,生果店等。我兩星期前來Aveiro, 是透過大型訂酒店網站訂房間的。

資料 / Information:
旅館名稱 / Name of hotel: Hospedaria Familiar
旅館名稱 / Name of hotel: Hospedaria Familiar