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現場直擊 @ Costa Nova 海灘
Live @ Praia de Costa Nova (Costa Nova Beach)
Live @ Praia de Costa Nova (Costa Nova Beach)
這個我想了很久要來的地方,終於來到了! smile emoticon
This is a place that I wished to visit for a long time. I came at last! smile emoticon
距離阿威羅市 (有 “葡萄牙的威尼斯” 的美稱, 皆因她如同意大利的威尼斯有多條運河穿插在小鎮內) 只大概25分鐘巴士車程,就來到這個沙灘小鎮。小鎮一邊是靠著河水平靜如鏡的運河,另一邊則是一個靠對著大西洋的長濶沙灘,大西洋的海水有點冷,而且海浪很大,是衝浪者的天堂,而我?選擇在沙灘躺下來曬曬太陽夠了,哈!
我今趟短遊最大目的是要來看看那些被掃上多彩條紋樣子的可愛木屋, 它們實在很美麗!

A roughly 25-minute ride by bus from the town centre of Aveiro (called "The Venice of Portugal" for its several canals run thoroughout the town, just like Venice of Italy) got me to this beautiful Costa Nova Beach (Praia de Costa Nova). One side of it borders directly with the rolling water of the Atlantic Ocean (therefore a popular surfers' paradise), while the other side faces the lagoon with calm water. The water in the Atlantic Ocean is a bit too cold for me. I chose to lie down on the sandy beach, soaking up the sun. Ha!
My main aim of this short trip is to see those lovely stripe-painted wooden houses. They are really so cute!
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