Saturday 18 July 2015

現場直擊【葡萄牙購物血拼】/ Live 【Getting shopaholic in Portugal】

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Live 【Getting shopaholic in Portugal】!

這邊所有店舖都在大減價, 不買簡直是難度極高的事情。例如:早兩天就在阿威羅 (Aveiro) 一個購物商場,以10歐元買了一雙 Pull & Bear 的布鞋,在Mango 用 15歐買了一條牛仔褲。


Most shops here in Portugal are having big sales. It's really hard not to buy anything. Simply irresistible! For example, I bought a pair of sneakers a few days ago at a shopping mall in Aveiro for only 10 euros; and a pair of jeans at Mango for about 15 euros.

I don't often go shopping, and now make use of this opportunity to buy stuff. Pretend as a smart consumer, ha! 

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