Monday 13 July 2015

現場直擊@Tomar【Tomar 4年一度節慶 Festa dos Tabuleiros】 / @Live @Tomar【Festa dos Tabuleiros festival @Tomar】

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現場直擊@Tomar【Tomar 4年一度節慶 Festa dos Tabuleiros】
@Live @Tomar【Festa dos Tabuleiros festival @Tomar】

這幾天我在Tomar, 參與四年一度的大型節慶, 叫作 Festa dos Tabuleiros。節慶從7月4日至13日,高潮在11-12日兩天, 市中心舉行多項活動,包括有大型巡遊、表演、放煙花等。這兩天裡 Tomar 鎮中心全擠滿了本地和來自各地的旅客,氣氛非常熱鬧。市中心多條街道被布置得極之美麗,擁滿拍照的遊客,各間食店也被擠得水泄不通。


I'm in Tomar these few days, watched the famous "Festa dos Tabuleiros" (Festival of the Trays) that takes place once every four years.

The festival this time lasted for 10 days, from 4th to 13th of July 2015, the climax was on the 11th and 12th, when there were various activities including huge processions, street performance and fireworks etc. The town centre was all packed with locals and tourists. Streets and alleys are beautifully decorated and crammed with tourists, same to many estaurants and cafés.

This is so far the most spectacular festival in Portugal that I have emoticon

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