Friday 24 July 2015

【現場直擊】【下午茶點 @ Pastelaria Benard @里斯本】/ 【Live】【Afternoon snacks @ Pastelaria Benard, Lisbon】

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【現場直擊】【下午茶點 @ Pastelaria Benard @里斯本】
【Live】【Afternoon snacks @ Pastelaria Benard, Lisbon】

按捺不住,又來吃甜點了! 這間老店歷史悠久,不過我也是第一次來試試吃。收銀的女職員雖然不懂英文 (我就用我的爛葡萄牙文跟她說出我想要的甜點) 超友善,我吃完了她還特意走過來問我喜歡否,這裡的甜點很好吃。:-)

Can't resist the temptation of pastry (again!). I tried the pastry at this old traditional pastry shop. The lady at the cashier is very friendly (she can't speak English and I used my poor Portuguese to communicate with her), and she came over to ask if I liked the pastry that I had. Yes, I do! :-)

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