Thursday 9 July 2015

@現場直擊【里斯本地鐵站玩巨型自拍】/ @Live【Take large selfies at Lisbon metro stations】

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@Live【Take large selfies at Lisbon metro stations】

來到里斯本旅遊, 經過地鐵站時有時間又無聊沒事幹, 不妨即興來玩玩這個玩意: 自拍! 不用自己將手拉到老遠, 大家只需要站在這個超大。

自拍神器前擺好姿勢, 一聲令下, 機器會開始倒數5下然後拍照! 跟著輸入您想相片要傳送到的電郵地址, 您就會收到相片, 相當好玩! 

While you are travelling on the metro/underground in Lisbon with a group of friends, try taking some pictures with one of these interesting and huge selfie machines at various metro stations! Do some settings first on the machine, then stand in front of the machine and strike whatever poses you and your friends like, the machine will counter down 5 seconds, and a picture is shot! You can ask for the picture to be sent to an email by inputting an email address.

smile emoticon

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