Thursday 13 August 2015

有關旅遊辛特拉 ~ "Discover Sintra" 旅遊單張已印有中文 (簡體中文) 版本 / About travelling in Sintra ~ "Discover Sintra" leaflets printed in Chinese (simplified version) too

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【有關旅遊辛特拉 ~ "Discover Sintra" 旅遊單張已印有中文 (簡體中文) 版本】
【About travelling in Sintra ~ "Discover Sintra" leaflets printed in Chinese (simplified version) too】

過去連續兩天去了辛特拉遊玩,每天從早到晚上不斷的走路,現在一雙腳疲倦得很 (但仍很回味到過的地方)。之前已經去過辛特拉多次了,但東西好像還是永遠看不完。

Went sightseeing in Sintra in the past two days. Walked all day long from morning to evening. My feet are just so sore now (but still enjoying the time I have had there). I've been to Sintra several times before but I feel like I can always find new things to see there!

今次在辛特拉,發現他們的 "Discover Sintra" 系列小單張,也有簡體字中文版本。不肯定是否之前一直都有,但印象中從未見過。

單張很具資料性,一面是包括辛特拉景區所有重要景點的地圖 (連接駁巴士的行走路線), 另一面則印有兩架行駛於這區間的主要巴士價錢和時刻表 (#434,‪#‎435號巴士‬),非常實用。這單張可在里斯本市中心部分旅客資訊中心,和辛特拉的巴士資源中心 (在火車站出口對面,旁邊有間中國餐館的)拿得到。

This time in Sintra, I found that they offer their "Discover Sintra" leaflets in Chinese version (simplified Chinese) too. Not sure if they have been available for some time already but I don't seem to have seen any before.

The leaflet is very informative. On one side, it is a map which shows all the major attractions of Sintra, with details of bus routes connecting the train station and the major attractions. On the other side, it shows bus fares and bus time schedules of two main bus routes (#434, #435).

These leaflets are available in certain tourist information centres in Lisbon and also the bus information centre in Sintra (just across the street from the exit of Sintra train station, which is next to a Chinese restaurant).

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