Sunday 2 August 2015

【看相片, 找亮點】/ 【What's the bright spot of the photos?】 Free

【看相片, 找亮點】
【What's the bright spot of the photos?】

很久沒有玩這個遊戲了! 我看, 這趟要找的亮點, 應該是易如反掌吧。:-)

Haven't played this game with you all for quite some time. I guess, it's too easy to find out what the bright spot is in all the three photos. smile emoticon

這架火車是來往里斯本的 Cais do Sodré 和 Cascais (著名和很受歡迎的海灘小鎮), 估不到遠在葡萄牙都看到他們的宣傳, 多厲害, 因此忍不住一定要拍照。 廣告的照片跟色彩很奪目, 我在老遠就已看得到。:-)

This train goes between Cais do Sodré, Lisbon and Cascais (a popular coastal town in the suburb of Lisbon, famous for its sandy beaches). Incredible that "they" promote in as far as Portugal. I can't help but take some pictures immediately. Both the photos and colours used in this train ad are very eye-catching and I could spot it from far away.

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