Wednesday 5 August 2015

【葡萄牙道地美食 ~ 齊來吃蝸牛!】 /【Portuguese delicacy ~ Let's have snails/caracóis together!】

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【葡萄牙道地美食 ~ 齊來吃蝸牛!】
【Portuguese delicacy ~ Let's have snails/caracóis together!】

很多人都知道法國人喜吃蝸牛, 其實, 葡萄牙人也很愛吃蝸牛的! 蝸牛更是葡萄牙其中一款最流行的小食, 特別在夏天, 會看到不少食店, 門外放有一個牌, 或櫥窗上會貼上一張紙, 寫著: Hà Caracóis (這裡有蝸牛), 即這間店有蝸牛吃。

有些店賣的蝸牛, 有分 "travessa", 價錢高一點, 因較大份量; 或 "prato", 小盤一點的蝸牛。吃蝸牛最好味道就是一邊吃一邊喝冰凍啤酒 (本地啤酒大品牌有Superbock 和 Sagres)! smile emoticon

Many people know that the French people eat snails. Indeed, Portuguese people also eat snails, and snails are even one of this nation's favourites! In especially the summertime, you will see signs go up outside restaurants and bars here saying "Hà Caracóis" (There are snails), meaning snails are available in that restaurant or bar.

Some eateries serve snails in "travessa" (in a larger dish) and prices are a little higher. Or, they are served in "prato" - a smaller plate of heaping snails. The top choice of drink to go with caracóis is a bottle/glass of cold beer (local beer brands are Superbock or Sagres).

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