Tuesday 18 August 2015

【現場直擊】阿爾加維美麗日落 /【Live】Sunset at the Algarve

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【Live】Sunset at the Algarve

充沛的陽光、溫和的天氣與優美沙幼的海灘,吸引無數本地人和歐洲遊客,在每年, 特別是夏天時都湧到這裡來渡假休閒玩樂。

很多已退休的歐洲人 (很多是英國人),在這省份買下房子,冬天時來避寒,其餘時間就托地產或物業管理公司出租房子收租作投資。像我現在正在租住的房子,就是屬於一對英國夫婦的。不少英國人在這裡開地產和物業管理公司,幫他們的鄉里 ~ 英國業主出租和打理物業。 smile emoticon

Year-round sunny and warm weather, and clean sandy beaches make the Algarve province one of the most popular and loved destinations for both local and European holiday makers, in particular during the summer months.

Retirees in Europe, many of them being the British, buy properties in the Algarve. They would come to stay in their houses in the winter (to escape from the long cold winter in their country) and rent them out the rest of the year as investment. The apartment that I am now renting and staying in belong to a retired British couple. Quite many British open property agencies and property management companies in the Algarve to help other British to rent out and take care of their apartments.  :-)

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