Monday 3 August 2015

【夕陽晚照葡萄牙 @ Guincho/Cascais】/ 【Sunset in Portugal @ Guincho/Cascais】

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【夕陽晚照葡萄牙 @ Guincho/Cascais】
【Sunset in Portugal @ Guincho/Cascais】

夏天的葡萄牙, 很晚才日落, 今晚拍下了幾張夕陽在大西洋徐徐而下的美景的照片。@8:30pm, 2日/8月/2015, Guincho/Cascais (里斯本市郊)

The sun goes down late in the summer in Portugal. I took pictures of the gorgeous Atlantic sunset tonight. @ 8: 30pm, 2/Aug/2015, Guincho/Cascais (in Lisbon suburb).

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