Wednesday 5 August 2015

【現場直擊】El Corte Ingles 百貨公司的糕點 / 【Live】Cakes and pastries at El Corte Ingles Department Store

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【現場直擊 @ 里斯本 】走路走到太倦了,找個地方吃茶點和休息一下,跟著再逛! 
smile emoticon
【Live @ Lisbon】Walked too much and am sitting down at a café and refreshing myself before more walkings ahead. smile emoticon

這間開在El Corte Ingles 百貨公司裡的糕點店的蛋糕看來很吸引,買了一件吃,味道不錯,是南瓜蓉做餡的。

This pastelaria at the El Corte Ingles Department Store sells beautifully made cakes and pastries. The one I have had just now has got mashed pumpkin as fillings. Pretty tasty.

 smile emoticon

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