Saturday, 27 December 2014

葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 葡萄牙甜點 @ 科英布拉 // Live @ Portugal ~~ Portuguese desserts @ Coimbra

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 葡萄牙甜點 @ 科英布拉】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Portuguese desserts @ Coimbra】

葡萄牙人確實極之喜歡吃甜點,看這間 café 所供應的甜點,款式真是多得令我吃驚, 簡直目不暇給! 而且樣子都很甜美,有些更造型有趣,完全不能抗拒,我昨天吃了兩款我從未吃過的試試味道,不錯呀,不過...就真的很甜,必定要配一杯咖啡喝,中和一下。 

Portuguese people must really love pastry a lot. See how many kinds of pastry are available at this café in Coimbra? That´s a lot! I think I´ll need to come back to Coimbra many many times in order to try them all (and be able to do a comprehensive report on Portuguese pastry, haha)! I had two different kinds of pastry here yesterday and they tasted nice (and yes, sweet too!).



Many thanks to two Portuguese friends (who know Coimbra very well) took me to this very nice place. Eat more Portuguese pastry and we shall know more about Portugal! 

Friday, 26 December 2014

夕陽斜照 @葡萄牙天涯海角 洛卡岬 Cabo da Roca / Sunset @Cabo da Roca, Portugal

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 夕陽斜照 @天涯海角 洛卡岬 Cabo da Roca】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Sunset @Cabo da Roca】

歐亞大陸的最西點。「陸止於此、海始於斯」16 世紀葡萄牙詩人 Luís de Camões (賈梅士) 如此形容洛卡岬 (Cabo da Roca)。


The westernmost point of the Eurasian continent. "Aqui, onde a terra se acaba e o mar começa" ("Where the land ends and the sea begins") - Luís de Camões, the famous 16th-century Portuguese poet - described Cabo da Roca.

Listen to the sounds of the Atlantic waves lapping the rough cliff boulders and enjoy the impressing scenery of the sunset.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

葡萄牙聖誕平安夜晚餐 24/Dec/2014 // Portuguese Christmas Eve meal 24/Dec/2014

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 葡萄牙聖誕平安夜晚餐 24/Dec/2014】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Portuguese Christmas Eve meal 24/Dec/2014】

聖誕快樂!不知道大家昨天如何歡渡聖誕平安夜呢?我在葡萄牙這邊吃了個聖誕餐。先吃馬介休 (~ 銀鱈魚) (葡萄牙聖誕必備) , 煎羊肉,還有葡萄牙聖誕甜品。我平常胃口很少,所以吃這餐剛好足夠! 

Merry Christmas! How did you all spend your 
Christmas Eve yesterday? I had a very nice meal on the Christmas Eve last night. Bacalhau (~ codfish) , lamb and traditional Portuguese Christmas desserts. Great food. 

Feliz Natal! 
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

里斯本尋寳記: 遊跳蚤市場 // Live @ Portugal ~~ Treasure hunt in Lisbon: Visit to the Feira da Ladra (Flea Market)

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 里斯本尋寳記: 遊跳蚤市場 】
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Treasure hunt in Lisbon: Visit to the Feira da Ladra (Flea Market) 】


Try your luck at this flea market in city centre Lisbon and you may be able to find some valuable antiques!  

花一般的雪糕 @Amorino, Lisbon / Live @ Portugal ~~ Flower-shaped gelados / ice-creams at Amorino, Lisbon

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 花一般的雪糕 @Amorino, Lisbon】 

【Live @ Portugal ~~ Flower-shaped gelados / ice-creams at Amorino, Lisbon】

很多謝一位葡萄牙朋友介紹,我們一起來到里斯本市中心這間雪糕店吃雪糕。非一般造型的雪糕呀!起初只知道,店員問我想要吃怎麼口味,我挑了三款,然後,不知怎的,她很快就弄出一個有多片花瓣狀的 [雪糕花] 給我!我從來沒有吃過造型這麼美的gelado。



Thanks very much to a Portuguese friend of mine who introduced me to this fantastic ice-cream shop called "Amorino" in city centre Lisbon. The gelados (ice-creams in Portuguese) all have an unusual shape!

In the beginning, a staff member asked me what flavours I wanted and I picked three of them. And very quickly (without actually noticing how she did it), she made my ice-cream into the shape of a flower with many petals!

What a great combination of flavours and beauty in a gelado! 

There are not many flavours available (indeed more than enough for me, ha). The three flavours that I chose were all very nice in taste and smooth in texture. Amorino has many branches in Europe, including the one I went to in Lisbon and one in Rome, Italy. And... they have even 58 shops alone in France!

Monday, 22 December 2014

到葡萄牙里斯本Cervejaria Trindade 餐廳開餐 / Lunch at Cervejaria Trindade, Lisbon, Portugal

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 到里斯本Cervejaria Trindade 餐廳開餐】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~Lunch at Cervejaria Trindade, Lisbon】

很開心,相隔多年,可以又來這間在里斯本非常受歡迎的餐廳開餐。由於時間仍早 (到達時還未到中午12時,未有其他客人), 所以我可盡情不停拍照。

這裡的員工都穿得像古時的僧侶,有趣。實在,這裡在13世紀晚期時本來是一間修道院,一直到1836年,被收購買下,改建成為一間釀酒廠, 就是今天的 Cervejaria Trindade (Cervejaria 一字是 brewery/ beer house的意思)。



Very glad to be here again. As time was still early (it was not yet 12:00 midday when I arrived and there were no any other customers), so I could take as many pictures as I wanted.

Staff members here wear like monks! Interesting. Indeed this place was originally a monastery in the late 13th century and lodged the Trinos Friars. It was until 1836 that the place was bought and converted into a brewery ~~ Cervejaria Trindade today.

This restaurant is awarded by the Portugal Tourism Office as part of the artistic and cultural heritage of the City of Lisbon. 


Saturday, 20 December 2014

葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 辛特拉 (Sintra) 公路上的日落景色 / Live @ Portugal ~~ Sunset view on the Highway near Sintra

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 辛特拉 (Sintra) 公路上的日落景色】 
【Live @ Portugal ~~ Sunset view on the Highway near Sintra】

今天傍晚 (20/12/2014) @ 16:59, 辛特拉附近

Today December 20, 2014 @16:59, near Sintra

葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 懸崖上的小村莊 Azenhas do Mar / Live @ Portugal ~~ The cliff-side village of Azenhas do Mar

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【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 懸崖上的小村莊 Azenhas do Mar】
【Live @ Portugal ~~ The cliff-side village of Azenhas do Mar】

很久以前,就已經很想到 Azenhas do Mar 參觀。臨大西洋,跟著名景區辛特拉 (Sintra) 距離不遠。雖然靠在大西洋的海邊,在12月時風比平常更大,但幸好今天天氣不錯,藍天白雲襯托著建在懸崖上的 Azenhas do Mar 小村莊,景色獨特又壯麗。

Azenhas do Mar has been on top of my "must visit" list. Close to Sintra and is only about 30km from Lisbon, Azehnas do Mar is a superb small village set on a cliff edge, which offers stunning sea views to the Atlantic Ocean. The wind was wild today but gladly the weather was good. It really worths a visit to Azenhas do Mar.